Queens West Development Corporation

Location: New York, NY

The firm represents the Queens West Development Corporation (QWDC), a subsidiary of Empire State Development and a cooperative undertaking of the State of New York and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. QWDC has overseen the remediation and redevelopment of former industrial waterfront property along the East River in Long Island City, Queens. The project boundaries extend from the Anable Basin to 50th Avenue, west of 5th Street. SPR advised on the preparation of the EIS for the project, and successfully defended the EIS against a judicial challenge.  The Firm helped to structure and negotiate environmental liability risk management protections associated with the property acquisition, oversee contaminated soil remediation pursuant to the Voluntary and Brownfield Cleanup Programs, secure the necessary tidal wetlands permits and other regulatory approvals that authorized the construction of eleven residential buildings (over 4,600 housing units), over 170,000 square feet of retail amenities, public streets and utilities, two public schools and 13 acres of public parkland and recreational areas that has greatly enhanced the Long Island City community. The Firm also represented QWDC and a private developer in litigation to recover costs associated with certain aspects of remediation.