Climate Change and Resiliency
SPR’s work across practice areas is not only affected by climate change—it is often a direct response to climate change. SPR is advising governmental agencies on the environmental impact review and permitting of several large-scale resiliency projects throughout Lower Manhattan to strengthen New York City’s defenses to storm surge, sea level rise and other foreseeable climate change-related impacts. SPR also represents the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in the legal defense of New York City’s congestion pricing program to reduce traffic and greenhouse gas emissions, and supported the program’s environmental impact review.
SPR regularly assists clients with integrating climate risk, decarbonization, and resiliency considerations—and related costs and liabilities—throughout the lifecycle of their real estate projects. Greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water use, vulnerability to sea level rise and other climate impacts are relevant throughout the real estate lifecycle, from due diligence and acquisition/leasing; through design, environmental review, and permitting; to construction and operations. Buyers, sellers, lessees, property managers, lenders, shareholders, and insurers all have a stake in these considerations, made all the more tangible with building emissions standards like NYC’s Local Law 97, SEC disclosure requirements, and corporate ESG goals.
SPR’s long-standing experience with environmental issues in real estate—paired with SPR’s early and active work on building decarbonization and resiliency—situate the firm as a skilled and knowledgeable advisor on climate risk and building sustainability planning and compliance. SPR provides actionable, strategic advice on waterfront planning for flood zones, building energy efficiency, and decarbonization, as well as detailed support for waterfront permitting, building code compliance, energy audits, green leases, penalty mitigation and defense, and the like.
These services are complemented by SPR’s expertise in transactional due diligence, environmental impact review and permitting, construction, and renewable energy development and project finance.

Battery Park City Authority – Resiliency Projects

Bronx Point

Cape Cod Offshore Wind Farm

Equinor Wind – Empire Wind Offshore Wind Projects

Financial District Seaport Resiliency

Greenpoint Landing

NYSERDA – Offshore Wind

Redevelopment of Former Domino Sugar Factory
The firm represents The Refinery, LLC, the developer of the former Domino Sugar facility on the East River in Brooklyn, with regard to waterfront permitting. The proposed development involves construction of new buildings that will include up to 120,000 gross square feet (gsf) of retail/commercial space, up to 100,000 gsf of community facility use, and up to 2,400 residential units (2.64 million gsf). Thirty percent of the units will be offered as affordable housing. In addition, the project includes development of approximately 4.1 acres of public open space including an approximately 1-acre lawn at the center of the site and a waterfront esplanade along the East River.

Two Trees River Ring Project
“Renewable Rikers: Examining Current Plans to Repurpose and Revitalize Rikers Island”
For: The New York Environmental Lawyer, New York State Bar Association
“Local Law 97’s ‘Mediated Resolution’ Clause Gives Too Much Leeway for Exemptions, Lawyers Say”
For: City Limits Article by Mariana Simões
“An Update on Local Law 97 and the State of Climate Law in New York”
For: New York State Bar Association
“High Performance Leases: A Solution for Reducing Carbon Emissions in Commercial Buildings”
For: Environmental Law in New York
“Climate Change and the Biden Energy Agenda”
For: Practicing Law Institute, Environmental Regulation in Practice 2021: New Challenges and Priorities
The No Interruptions Podcast – Climate Change Initiatives
For: Mike Gallagher Podcast
“The Law of Climate Change in Canada”
Article Title: Chapter 18 “United States;" Chapter 19 “North American and Global Integration of Carbon Control Markets;" Chapter 20 “Private Sector Climate Action”
“Environmental Aspects of Energy Development”
For: ALI Environmental Law Conference
“Local Law 154 Pulls the Plug on Fossil Fuels in New Buildings: Is New York City Ready for Its All-Electric Future?”
For: 33 Environmental Law in New York 169
“Climate Mobilization Act Series: The IRA Meets New York”
For: Building Energy Exchange (panelist)
“An Update on County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund”
For: American Water Works Association Journal
“NYC’s Climate Mobilization Act – Practical Implications and Updates Nearly One Month Away From The First Deadline”
For: St. John’s University School of Law (panelist)
“Applying for LL97 Adjustments”
For: Building Energy Exchange (panelist)
“Preparing for Carbon Emission Limits under NYC Local Law 97”
For: HalfMoon Education, Inc. (panelist)
“The Lawyer’s Role in an Environmental Crisis”
For: ALICLE, Moderator
“Maximizing Property Values Through Onsite Solar”
For: Fall 2020 Webinar Series with SPR and Crauderueff Solar (panelist)
“NYC’s Climate Mobilization Act – Practical Implications with Less Than Nine Months to the First Deadlines”
For: New York State Bar Association, Environment and Energy Law Section Fall Meeting
“Landlord & Tenant Cooperation for Energy Efficiency” (Local Law 97)
For: IFMA NYC and CoreNet Global NYC,
“Environmental Racism and the Path to a Sustainable New York City”
For: Sick Empire Podcast Guest
“OK, Climate Change: Generations Unite to Take Action”
“Optimizing Your New Roof’s Value: Local Law 92/94 Opportunities”
For: Webinar Hosted by SPR and Crauderueff Solar
“Local Law 97 – Legal, Technical and Financial Risks Uncovered”
For: Seminar Hosted by SPR and RENEW Energy Partners (panelist)
“Climate Change Legislation, Environmental Law 2020”
For: American Law Institute
“Local Law and Decarbonization, Conference on Climate Disruption and Decarbonization”
For: American Bar Association
“Climate Migration and Health System Preparedness in the United States”
For: Climate Policy
“Navigating Urban Waterway Development”
For: Center for Creative Land Recycling
“NYC Laws and Leases: What Can Be Done to Protect Tenants” (Local Law 97)
For: International Facility Management Association
“WISE Tackles the Climate Mobilization Act,” Panelist
For: Building Energy Exchange panel (panelist)
“Landlord-Tenant Collaboration: Key Strategies for Whole Building Energy and Emissions Performance”
For: Climate Week NYC (with the Institute for Market Transformation and the Building Energy Exchange)
“Climate Migrants Within the U.S. Will Need a Strong Health System”
For: Scientific American: Observations
“SPR Attorneys Explain the NYC Buildings Emissions Law”
For: SPR Webinar
“Highlights of NYC’s Building Emissions Law”
For: Environmental Law Network Webinar
“The Climate Mobilization Act – How It Affects You (And How PACE Can Help)”
For: Duval & Stachenfeld LLP Panel
“How NYC Building Owners Will Cash In on the New Environmental Standards”
For: Queens Chamber of Commerce panelist on NYC Local Law 97
“Looking Forward and Looking Back: The Path to Deep Emissions Reductions in New York City’s Buildings”
For: New York City Bar Association panel (moderator)
“The Paris Agreement on Climate Change”
For: Legal Talk Network Podcast
“Strategic Risk Update: Climate & Sustainability”
For: Conference Board
“Renewable Energy: Law, Politics & Practice”
For: Lawline.com, Webcast
“Waterfront Redevelopment and Resilience: Natural Resources, Regulatory Changes, and Future Physical Climate Risks”
For: New York State Bar Association Environment and Energy Law Section
“Green Buildings: Law and Practices”
For: Practical Law Journal
“A Contingency of First Resort: Policy Lessons for Greenhouse Gas Regulation Through Backstop Contingency Measures under Section 111 of the Clean Air Act”
For: 27 Geo. Envtl. L. Rev. 121
“Combined Heat and Power’s Potential to Meet New York City’s Sustainability Goals”
For: Energy Policy, vol. 65(C), 444–454
“Flood Zones: Where Does Your Property Stand in Our Post-Sandy State?”
For: Real Estate Board of New York’s (REBNY), Panelist
“Recovery and Rebuilding After Superstorm Sandy—Legal Perspectives”
For: Hofstra University School of Law
“Getting Ahead of the Curve: Supporting Adaptation to Long-term Climate Change and Short-term Climate Variability Alike”
For: Carbon and Climate Law Review, 7(1), 3–23;
“Renewable Energy; Ethics in the Practice of Law; and Environmental Law,” Presenter
For: NYS Bar Association CLE speaker
“Greening the Yellow Taxi Fleet”
For: City University of New York
“Climate Change Litigation”
For: Environmental Law Institute