Essential Services Exempt From Covid-19 Workplace “Pause”

Governor Cuomo’s “New York on Pause” Executive Order No. 202.8 (requiring all workplaces to maintain a 0% in-person workforce) exempts “Essential Services.”  At the direction of the Governor, Empire State Development (ESD) has published Guidance on which services constitute Essential Services.  ESD has also created a process through which businesses may request designation as an…

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Coronavirus and Construction Project Delays

The rapid spread of the novel coronavirus is, at least within the last century, an unprecedented event.  Few segments of the economy have been spared the impact that the pandemic has had and will continue to have on business and productivity.  The impact will likely be the most profound for those industries that cannot count…

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NYSERDA Requests PSC Authorization to Procure at Least 1,000 MW of Offshore Wind Capacity in 2020

On January 28, 2020, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (“NYSERDA”) submitted a petition to the New York State Public Service Commission (“PSC”) seeking authorization to issue a solicitation to procure between 1,000 and 2,500 megawatts (“MW”) of additional offshore wind capacity this summer. This procurement, which Governor Andrew M. Cuomo directed…

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