
Who’s Who Legal Recognizes Jeff Gracer as an Environmental Thought Leader
By: Heewon Kim
Sive, Paget & Riesel principal Jeffrey B. Gracer was named as a Who’s Who Legal Thought Leader, a new Who’s Who category established this year. Only those who obtained the highest number of nominations from peers, corporate counsel and other market sources, were chosen as Thought Leaders. They comprise just the top 2 percent of all the lawyers listed in the Who’s Who guides.
Jeff is listed in Who’s Who Legal in the Environmental category along with six other SPR attorneys: Daniel Riesel, David Paget, Mark A. Chertok, Michael Bogin, and Pamela Esterman. Attorneys are selected for listing based on surveys and interviews with general counsel and private practice lawyers worldwide, along with a review of information gleaned from legal and financial media and corporate counsel.